Compass & Square (Masonic)

OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Compass & Square, Masonic

COMPASS & SQUARE (MASONIC) - The Square and Compasses (or, more correctly, a square and a set of compasses joined together) is the single most identifiable symbol of Freemasonry.  Both the square and compasses are architect's tools and are used in Masonic ritual as emblems to teach symbolic lessons.  Due to slight Masonic jurisdictional differences around the world, this symbol does not always look exactly the same to all Freemasons.  Some jurisdictions call this symbol the Square and Compass, (non-plural) and a few jurisdictions omit the "G" at its center.  But, no matter its slightly different look, all Freemasons are in unison as to what this symbol means to them within the fraternity.  The Square is an emblem of virtue in which we must "square our actions by the square of virtue with all mankind".  The Compasses exemplify our wisdom of conduct,... the strength to "circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds".  When these 2 Masonic tools are placed together with God (the Creator) as our central focal point... (just as King Solomon built God's Temple, first... and then built his house around it), peace and harmony is the result.

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OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Masonic
OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, View 2, Masonic