Cross and Shepherd's Crook (White Shrine of Jerusalem)

OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, White Shrine of Jerusalem

WHITE SHRINE OF JERUSALEM (STAR, CROSS & SHEPHERD'S CROOK) - Symbol of the White Shrine of Jerusalem.  Often seen with the phrase "In Hoc Signo Spes Mea" which translates to "In this Sign (The Cross) is my Hope".  Like the members of the Masonic Lodge and other bodies, members of the White Shrine must profess a belief in a Supreme Being.  However, the White Shrine goes one step further, requiring members to profess a belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer of the World.  Membership is open to female relatives of Master Masons or members either active for three years or majority of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls or Job's Daughters International who have attained of eighteen (18) years of age.

Founded in 1894 the mission of the Order is to uphold the simple religion of Christ and further his Gospel of "Peace and Good Will upon the Earth."  To do noble deeds and by acts of kindness and works of cheer make the world better and brighter to him or her who in the hour of sorrow and affliction sees nothing but darkness.

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OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, View 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem