
OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Hindu

HINDU -  Om (or Aum, ॐ) is the sacred sound symbol that represents Universe; the ultimate reality (Brahman).  It is prefixed and sometimes suffixed to all Vedic mantras and prayers.  Aum is often said to represent God in the three aspects of Brahma (A), Vishnu (U) and Shiva (M).

Its history overlaps or coincides with the development of Indian religions since Iron Age India.  It has thus been called the "oldest living religion" in the world.  Scholars regard Hinduism as a synthesis of various Indian cultures and traditions, with diverse roots and no single founder or source.

Here are some of the key beliefs shared among Hindus:

  • Truth is eternal.
  • Brahman is Truth and Reality.
  • The Vedas are the ultimate authority.
  • Everyone should strive to achieve dharma.
  • Individual souls are immortal.
  • The goal of the individual soul is moksha.