Sons of Temperance

OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Sons of Temperance

SONS OF TEMPERANCE -  A triangle inscribed with the words Love, Purity and Charity is the symbol for the Sons of Temperance.   The Sons of Temperance was a brotherhood of men who promoted the temperance movement and mutual support. The group was founded in 1842 in New York City.  It began spreading rapidly during the 1840s throughout the United States and parts of Canada.  The organization had a highly restricted membership. In order to become a member (called a “brother“), a man had to be nominated by an existing brother. Three other brothers would then investigate his life to determine if they thought he was worthy of membership. The Sons of Temperance required a two-dollar initiation fee, an amount equal to a week’s wages of an ordinary worker. In addition, the weekly membership fee was six cents. It had secret rituals, signs, passwords, hand grips and regalia.

The constitution of the Sons of Temperance required the brotherhood to pay thirty dollars to cover the burial costs of any brother who died. In short, the organization acted as an insurance company. It required the payment of fifteen dollars for the funeral costs of a member’s dead wife. A bylaw required fellow brothers to visit any sick brother at least once a day, and one of the orders of business at each meeting was to identify any brothers who were ill.

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OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Order of the Sons of Temperance