United States Army 11th Armored Division (Thunderbolt)

OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, U. S. Army 11th Armored Division (Thunderbolt)

U. S. ARMY 11TH ARMORED DIVISION (THUNDERBOLT) -  The 11th Armored Division (11 AD) was a division of the United States Army in World War II.  It was activated on August 15, 1942 at Camp Polk, Louisiana and moved on June 24, 1943 for the Louisiana Maneuvers.  Transferred then to Camp Barkeley, Texas on September 5, 1943, the division participated, beginning October 29, 1943, in the California Maneuvers and arrived at Camp Cooke California on February 11, 1944.  The division staged at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey from September 16-29, 1944 until departing New York Port of Embarkation on September 29, 1944, arriving in England on October 11, 1944.

The 11 AD landed in France on December 16, 1944, crossed into Belgium on December 29th, and entered Germany on 5 March 5, 1945.  On May 5, 1945, elements of the US 11th Armored Division liberated the Mauthausen concentration camp.  The 11th Armored Division was deactivated in August 1945.


  • Total battle casualties: 2,877
  • Killed in action: 432
  • Wounded in action: 2,394
  • Missing in action: 11
  • Prisoner of war: 40

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OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, U. S. Army 11th Armored Division