Urn, Draped

OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Draped Urn

URN -  The widely used draped urn is one of the many symbols that humans have used to represent their views towards death and the immortal spirit. The urn itself represents a classical funeral urn used for cremations.  A revived interest in classical Greece led to the prevalence of the draped in urn in cemetery symbolism, even though cremation was not terribly popular at this time ( mid to late 1800s).  The urn was also thought to stand for the fact that we all return to ash, or dust; the state from which God created us.

The meaning of the drape on the urn can mean many things to many people.  Some feel that it symbolizes the final, impenetrable veil between the living and the dead that awaits us all.  To others, it symbolizes the human shedding their mortal body and trappings to join God in Heaven. The drape can also stand for the protective nature of God over the dead and their remains. 

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OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, View 2, Urn